Asia Talks Series by Paddy Schubert Condultants

Attended an excellent luncheon talk yesterday about the way forward in combatting Covid. As part of the Asia Talks Series by Paddy Schubert Condultants.

Prof Adeeba - Prof Of infectious diseases at University of Malaya Medical Centre and head of their Covid 19 task force says it is essential to mix vaccines to get good protection, especially if you’ve had sinovac - proven to be the least effective of the vaccines. Also with AZ - take MRNA ie Pfizer for both. After 3 months for sinovac and 4-5 months for AZ.

If you’ve had Pfizer take AZ or can take Pfizer again.

Adeeba is an amazing lady! I know from bsck in the day when when we were both on the Malaysian AIDS Council.